Sunshine's Culture Essay Written in Poetry Beautiful Rendezvous with Rv. Kang
Five years has passed in an instant, and yet another presidential election is around the corner.
I remember interviewing Pastor Kang Won-yong at The Poet’s House in the past five years. He passed away a few days after the interview. But in the video, it seems like he were still here. In the video, he understands the current situations. Perhaps nothing has changed politically.
He was active in social work and influential as an advisor to Korean presidents. He was in the pioneer in many fields, a ‘senior’ even amongst his own generation. I first met him at WCC international Christian Junior Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. He was head of the Korean Broadcasting Commission, and I was studying media in the US. He persuaded me to come to Korea, saying we should raise the status of Korea through broadcasting. After declining his offer for 3 years, I finally came back to Korea with my young son. It’s been 30 years since then.
Korea was always on his mind. I asked him when politics were going to get better in Korea, and he answered that it would be possible only after Andrew, my son, was grown up. I sighed at that, as I had already returned to Korea with all my belongings. Now Andrew has grown into adult. What would the pastor say about politics now?
So, I rewatched a section from the 6-hour-long interview we had last summer, in an attempt to assess the way for Korea to advance to the status of advanced country.
With a praying heart. I hope things will work well for Korea, this election day

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