
Kim Namjo's 'In Your Presence' 20231213

  • AD 이승신
  • 조회 624
  • 2024.02.15 13:42
  • 문서주소 - http://nanosys.cafe24.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=engessay&wr_id=171




Namjo Kim looking at Son Hoyun’s book ‘Hibiscus’ -  2023 Summer 

Sunshine's Culture Essay

Written in Poetry


Kim Namjo's 'In Your Presence'




I start new year’s cultural life with Namjo Kim’s exhibition of illustrated poems.


Who is the Poet Kim Namjo?


A Poet with deep love, charisma and a name widely known even to those who haven't read her poems. She stands out as a remarkable figure in various aspects, often topping the charts in newspaper and magazines.


Describing herself as a 'child of colonization turned old poet' she widened the horizons of modern poetry throughout her life, connecting the significant lineage of poets such as Moh Yunsook and Noh Chunmyong.

At the age of 96, she recently left us leaving behind 19 volumes of poetry that are filled with profound love and spirituality as a devoted Catholic.


Lines like the opening verse of 'Letter' attached to the Kyobo Building 

'I have never seen a person as lovely as you' or the well-known phrases from songs like 'In Your Presence' by Sumi Jo as well as poems like 'Winter Sea in a textbook and  'Love Love'

'Abundant Love'  'Oh People, People' and 'My Heart Aches' 

all resonate with powerful expressions of love.

There's a saying that if one writes well, they tend to be a hesitant speaker, and if one speaks eloquently, their writing tend to be lacking. However, among those I know, exceptions are Namjo Kim and Lee O-young

Both are outstanding in various aspects but when it comes to encompassing sensitivity, Namjo Kim might take the lead. Her unique and impromptu speeches with distinctive vocabulary are impressive.


A person with abundant love she shared her affection with students of 40 years and literati. Thinking about i,t I also have many memories with her.

The first encounter was in 2002 November 1st.


Back to Korea invited by the Government from the United States, I found out that the reaction to mother’s publication commemoration event for her work was great especially in Japan. I saw the article about ‘The Poet’s Day’ in the Korean newspapers and magazine just in time.

Hoping the interaction with domestic literati would bring comfort to ill mother armed with mother’s book that I published.

Recognizing many poets, I handed them the first Korean edition of mother’s poetry collection. But they didn’t take it. I didn’t know why but I felt disheartened. I was at a loss as to what to do as mother was laying sick and I was trying to demonstrate mother’s whole life’s work. Then I saw Kim Namjo in the front row. I didn’t have enough courage to bring myself to approach her as the other poets on the back row refused.

I gathered the courage to approach her, as I thought that I might never have such an opportunity again. It took me 4 years to persuade the prestigious Samter House to publish the book. Ah She warmly accepted the book smiling brightly


From the next day onward she would ask 'Can I meet poet Son Hoyun?' Not now I'm afraid'  'Then, when can I meet her?' From that moment, I started accompanying her to gatherings at literature places and sat next to her.


Although I exchanged letters with poets like Jo Byunghwa and introduced mother through letters while I was in America, there was no other interaction with other Korean poets. However, when Namjo Kim, the highly respected poet, sincerely wished to meet my mother, I was grateful because it felt like mother had finally gained recognition among Korean literati.


Soon after, mother passed away and it was reported in the newspapers 

that a Poet respected in Japan had passed. Namjo Kim was so sorry, despite living close in Seoul and being of similar age, it was regrettable not to have had the opportunity to meet mother before her passing.

Whenever she served me in her place on the 2nd floor which is now her husband famous Sculptor, Kim Sejung Art Museum, she always wanted to give me something and even offered items from her drawer. Her appearance in old magazines that I saw then was so charming.

A multi-art event was held on every anniversary of mother’s death at the 'Son Hoyun Poet's House'  She always said 'I will give the speech'  and brought the well known poets with her. Notable figures recited mother's poems, famous international painters painted on selected poems and renowned composers like Choi Yong-seop, Hwang Byong-gi composed music based on mother's poems. Namjo Kim’s great peech would have been a source of comfort for mother of heaven.


Recently I met her 5 times at her residence behind the museum. 

'I have always been treated like a queen. It is sad to think about the loneliness of Son who wrote Tanka poetry alone. I want to convey to the younger generation of writers and poets that such an excellent poet existed'  

I have heard that many times, both over the phone and in person.


She changed into formal attire, came out of the room even though I already saw her lying in bed, and always offered high praise to me. She enjoyed watching vocal performances, skillfully cut and gave a loaf of bread and cake to me, expressed a desire to visit Kyushu Girls' High School of Japan where she graduated and most of all she admired mother's poetry collection with great enthusiasm. 


In a recent photo that I took, she examined mother's 'Hibiscus' poetry collection with a big magnifying glass as if seeing it for the first time.


How shall I recount countless anecdotes and history of her life? All these are found in her 1000 poems and essays.


After the International Literature Forum commemorating mother's 100th birthday, she would've delivered a speech and I would've conveyed 

'Son Hoyun Special Award'.  I conveyed the Special Award to Kim Jong-a, her daughter later who I met a few times before.


It is regrettable that both mother and Kim Namjo, despite their greatness, are no longer with us. Recalling her phone calls where she poured out gemlike words for almost 2 hours without a break (I should have recorded them^ ), I feel a deep sense of loss.


I will cherish in my heart the stories she shared with me until the end, demonstrating an impressive memory.

                             In Your Presence

In the place where your are

Hold my hand

In the worries that trouble you

Bring me along

With great joy and quiet longing

In your presence

Growing in my heart

Oh longing

In your presence I exist
Call me and hold my hand

When you open the door of love

Let me live in that light

The loneliness and hardship of life

In your presence

Learning the meaning of life

Oh longing

In your presence I exist

Call me and let me live in that light



'In Your Presence' by Na-jo Kim, Illustrated by Jung Il



'Winter Sea' by Namjo Kim, Illustrated by No Taeung



The note from Namjo Kim of her 3 poetry collection -  May 2023








